Barcelona Science Museum

Nora thumbs up

Museo de la Ciencia CosmoCaixa

New friends we have met through Nora’s school suggested a visit with a strong endorsement; their little one has been there n amount of times since moving to Barcelona. This is Barcelona’s Science Museum. We decided to make a weekend day of it. We pulled up Google Maps, and discovered it’s a short walk, but up the hill.

The hill

The walk up was brilliant in it’s own right. If I have not mentioned, Barcelona is beach front on one side, and mountain on the other. Our flat is just north of the middle. The museum is north, so the map below just looks like a hill to me.

The neighborhood as you go up becomes quieter, and nicer in terms of housing. It is small streets with city-esk cottages all the way up. Per usual, this post of mostly photos does not do it justice lol.

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We passed by the church square with vistas up the mountain of Tibadabo Residential.

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Mysterious Entrance

It’s obvious you are at the right building, but who doesn’t love a windy path up over a massive glass enclosed rain forest exhibit.

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Fish Here Too

I have mentioned Nora’s love for the aquarium- this place had the best all encompassing exhibit of fish, plant, and animals. Pictured below- they have a forest in doors with a pool of live fish swimming through the roots of what is growing above. Above it altogether is actually part of the entrance- it’s wild!

Lookout Boston Science Museum

Boston Science Museum is a favorite of mine, but we were hesitant to take Nora as she was too young, but this had the perfect amount of buttons to press that kept her engaged right until nap time.

Adult Night

Orpha and I kept fantasing about coming back after dropping Nora off at school- that fun.

aquarium_13.png aquarium_14.png aquarium_15.png This is the indoor forest with artificial rain and fish pond in it’s roots. You also walk in just above this and can look down so unassuming!

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This Science Is Making Me Hungry!

(and the walk)

Again; I was to far into the eating when I remembered to take photos of the food.

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It was a great day.

Published on 2023-10-22, last updated on 2023-11-07