Blog of an expat, creative, developer...

Casa Vicens from the street


This is going to be a picture heavy post. I just couldn’t help myself. Casa Vicens is a beautiful house and I wanted to capture it all.

We went to Guadi’s first house, Casa Vicens. An amazing and intricate first statement in his design. The house was a beautiful mix of colors and textures. The tiles were so intricate and the woodwork was so detailed. And plants everywhere! If not in the garden, then in the tiles.

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It is still puff coat season for me! 19 degrees. Frio! Frio! alt text

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and happy st jordi

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What are you reading right now? St Jordi is a big, romantic holiday here that celebrates reading. There are booths all through out the city streets and parks with tables and tables of books for sale. It’s custom to get one and tuck a rose in and gift to someone special.

Full disclosure, this was a surprise and I was coincidentally reading the A Court of Roses series.

Published on 2024-04-25, last updated on 2024-09-04