
tibidabo airplane ride

An Amusement Park on the Mountain

From our neighborhood, you can look down hill towards the ocean, or up the hill and see the Ferris wheel and church at the very top. It looks fake, like something out of roller coaster tycoon. ![[Pasted image 20240307110518.png]] Again I have to mention pictures not getting it right. This was taken zoomed in from the El Cortes Ingles roof deck. Where our apartment is located, we step out to the street and can see right up to the hill with this park decorating the top. The park is light up at night and you can see the plane ride flying over the edge.

tib_1.png Walking up the backside of Tibidabo, you can see the communication tower here? In my previous photos, this tower looms above Nora’s school. To see it from here was a huge twist on perspective. I love where our apartment is oriented between the ocean and this mountain.

tib_2.png This church which is open for tours, is the highest point around Tibidabo park.

tib_3.png Coming up through the entrance to the park- we made our way to the iconic airplane ride. It turned out to be the only thing we did because the wait was an hour+.

tib_4.png Still trying to get that sense of scale!

tib_5.png The view from the wait was beautiful though.

tib_6.png The actual ride was fun; it’s a converted 8? seat plane.

tibidabo.gif Our visit was short and one ride, but i’m already planning our next trip here. Hopefully when it’s warmer too.

Published on 2023-11-19, last updated on 2024-03-07